An ideal profession for the blind

An ideal profession for the blind

An analysis of the issue of classical massage including a breakdown of the techniques used in it in order to maximise the effect of the treatment based on a subjective and objective interview and a holistic grasp of the essence of the dysfunction on the example of selected ailments subjected to an in-depth analysis and perception of the examined structures in the patient's body.

During personal conversations with many people, I encountered questions: what can a blind person be by profession? What might his or her career path look like, and finally, which forms of employment are able to initiate and make full use of the potential inherent in disability? Well, in my opinion, one such profession is therapeutic massage and all its variations, which I will try to prove through an in-depth analysis of this issue in this article.
Otóż w moim przekonaniu jedną z takich profesji jest masaż leczniczy i wszelkie jego odmiany, co postaram się udowodnić poprzez głęboką analizę tego zagadnienia w niniejszym artykule.

As a light sketch of the historical context, massage is one of the oldest fields of medical knowledge originating in India and China, where it was part of a religious ritual. As early as 3,000 BC, in the Chinese work Kung-fu, there is a reference to treatment by massage. During the period of sacred medicine, priests recommended its use as part of religious worship during the performance of rituals. The ancient Egyptians around 2000 BC were familiar with foot massage, which later developed into reflexology. However, it was not until the Hindus in the book of wisdom "Veda", dating back to 1800 BC, that the exact instructions for performing massage were given. Over time, massage fell out of religious ritual and, although it became part of medical treatment, medicine did not officially address it. In Greece, massage was of particular importance during the Olympic Games. It was not massage in the modern sense of the word, but rather anointing by oiling the body with oil before the competition. It was a kind of ritual. Over time, it was observed that these treatments induced certain changes in the skin and began to be used as a therapeutic treatment.

I consider massage as a profession for blind people to be fully justified, as the lack of sight allows for greater concentration during the work, which consequently results in a thorough analysis of the problem faced by the patient. Before and during the treatment, the patient's personal and physical history plays an important role, which allows us to holistically grasp and finally find the essence of the problem based on the analysis of data from imaging studies such as X-rays and MRI. In the case of these examinations, we are usually assisted by the description accompanying the images, but also by sighted people who are extremely helpful in describing what is on the X-ray image, e.g. rupture of the fibre ring in the case of complaints related to the LS spine and therefore paralysis of the nerves in the aforementioned area often generating so-called projected pain.

A good masseur is also able not only to deal with a thorough analysis of imaging studies, but also to skilfully cooperate with the patient in the relaxation of muscles requiring the involvement of both sides (diaphragm work), and to demonstrate divided attention. Careful and patient examination of the structures, i.e. joints, muscles and bones, results in the detection of their dysfunctions, while the support of additional parameters such as, for example, measurements of the range of movement carried out using a goniometer allows the selection of appropriate techniques for the relaxation of the massaged structures. Drainage, or lymphatic massage, is also incredibly effective and, when combined with compression therapy (bandaging of the limb) and elevation, can help to significantly reduce swelling.

Nowadays, however, massage is not only therapeutic or helpful in sports, as combined with atmospheric music and aromatherapy, it is a complementary triad when it comes to relaxation, so necessary for all of us in today's turbulent times. As far as classical massage techniques are concerned, we divide them into: stroking, rubbing, kneading and pressure, patting, vibrating, spreading, rolling. This sequence of techniques guarantees the fulfilment of two principles, namely: the principle of a gradual increase in the strength of the stimulus and the principle of stratification, i.e. the transition from superficial to deeper stimuli.

To sum up... I consider all types of massage to be a form of rehabilitation for both the patient being treated, but also a way for disabled people to improve themselves in the broadest sense, as the correctness of performing the above-mentioned techniques requires diligent exercise in order to acquire fluidity in the movements performed, to improve tactile perception of the various structures in the human body and to divide attention when performing their duties.

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