A human being has 206 bones and 450 to 500 muscles. Bones are resonators, which means they are capable of transmitting sound waves. The most common are the hammer, anvil and stirrup, and they are located in the middle ear and transmit the acoustic wave through the ear canal to the brain, where it is converted into an electrical impulse interpreted by the brain.
As it often happens, constructors use natural phenomena when building their works. Also in percussion you can find similarities to the human body. It is an instrument from the membranophone group. The human body also has a membrane called the tympanic membrane (from Latin tympani membrane, tympanon - drum, typto - beat or myrinx), which is a pearly gray membrane separating the external auditory canal from the middle ear. It separates the middle ear from the outer ear and converts sound waves into mechanical vibrations. It is located in the temporal bone. The thickness of the eardrum is 0.1 mm, and in both cases the sound wave is resonated and converted into a sound wave.
Can blind people play drums? Of course! Some of the blind musicians work at the exhibition "Towards Darkness" at the WOMAI Center for Science and Senses in Krakow, where they show visitors their lifestyle and interests with great passion. Is it true that the blind have better hearing? The answer is not clear. It is not always that the hearing of blind people is more acute, but they know how to use it better. When we lack the most important sense, sight, we try to use the others, and hearing becomes a natural replacement, hence the possibility of using, among others, echolocation.
Autor – Szymon, Gosia